Jul 22Liked by Frances Ray

Thank you for this, Frances. So helpful and heartening. In addition to Marion Woodman, James Hillman has been an enlightening teacher for me.

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Thank you, K. I agree, James Hillman is a wonderful resource. And we need all the inspiration we can find as we make our way.

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Jul 23Liked by Frances Ray

I like James Hillman too and James Hollis! They would like this post Frances!

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You have made my day, Dear Linda.

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Jul 22Liked by Frances Ray

What a wonderful post. Thank you for these words and they have arrived with perfect timing reminding me to just be and to listen to my inner voice.

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If I still did needlepoint and embroidery I would put those words on a pillow!

Someone whom I’ve been reading and listening to is the late Canadian Jungian analyst and writer Marion Woodman. Your word and hers are the same.

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Jul 22Liked by Frances Ray

I love Marion Woodman and have studied her work for years!

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Jul 22Liked by Frances Ray

Good good morning Frances, I actually woke up, thinking I hadn’t seen a post from you in a long time, but I miss them! Maybe you have been writing and I just didn’t catch it🙏🏼 so glad you wrote about Rumi and the shadow, the more we can look at ourselves, the more room for kindness, within and without💜thank you, please keep sharing your writing, it’s very meaningful, dear fellow traveler 💕

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Hi, Judith, so good to hear from you. I'm writing one post a week for the summer and who knows, maybe I'll keep that frequency. I wondered whether you might be away. It's good that we have reconnected.

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Frances, with this essay you give a concise yet thorough introduction to Jungian thought, as well as to Rumi. I have only scant knowledge of Carl Jung (of Rumi, too). Thanks very much for mentioning "This Jungian Life," which is available as a podcast as well as on YouTube. Lots for me to learn!

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I am grateful that you find this introduction to Jung, in particular.I am ahead of you in years yet I know you would appreciate Jung's relevance to the 'afternoon' of life. There's a reason why analysands and trainees are well above age 45.

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